My Articles


Vivanco, Laura, 2022. "Historical Accuracy, Racism, Courtney Milan, and The Duke Who Didn’t Conform to Genre Norms." Journal of Popular Romance Studies 11. [It is also freely available as a pdf.]

Selinger, Eric Murphy and Laura Vivanco, 2021. "Romance and/as religion." The Routledge Research Companion to Popular Romance Fiction. Ed. Hsu-Ming Teo, Eric Murphy Selinger and Jayashree Kamblé. Abingdon: Routledge. 485-510. [Description and free pre-print pdf.]

Vivanco, Laura, 2020. “Let’s Not Get Carried Away by The Sheik.” Journal of Popular Romance Studies 9. [It is also freely available as a pdf.]

Vivanco, Laura, 2020. "Changing Attitudes to Others: Meljean Brook’s Riveted (2012) and Its Context." Love, Language, Place, and Identity in Popular Culture: Romancing the Other. Ed. María T. Ramos-García and Laura Vivanco. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington. 113-126. [Description]

Vivanco, Laura, 2017. " 'A Place We All Dream About': Greece in Mills & Boon Romances." Greece in British Women’s Literary Imagination, 1913-2013. Ed. Eleni Papargyriou, Semele Assinder and David Holton. New York: Peter Lang. 81-98. [Abstract and pdf]

Vivanco, Laura, 2013. "Georgette Heyer: The Nonesuch of Regency Romance." Journal of Popular Romance Studies 3.2. [It is also freely available as a pdf.]

Vivanco, Laura, 2012. "Feminism and Early Twenty-First Century Harlequin Mills & Boon Romances." Journal of Popular Culture 45.5: 1060–1089. [Excerpt.]

Vivanco, Laura, 2012. "Jennifer Crusie's Literary Lingerie." Journal of Popular Romance Studies 2.2. [It is also freely available as a pdf.]

Vivanco, Laura, 2012. "One Ring to Bind Them: Ring Symbolism in Popular Romance Fiction."  New Approaches to Popular Romance Fiction: Critical Essays. Ed. Sarah S. G. Frantz and Eric Murphy Selinger. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland. 99-107. [In a review of the volume in the Journal of American Culture 37.2 (2014) this was described as one of two "particularly cogent essays" in a collection of seventeen "remarkably erudite and instructive essays" (238). I was inspired by a discussion on Jennifer Crusie's blog about the "glittery hooha," a term also discussed in the following essay.]

Vivanco, Laura and Kyra Kramer, 2010. "There Are Six Bodies in This Relationship: An Anthropological Approach to the Romance Genre." Journal of Popular Romance Studies 1.1. [It is also freely available as a pdf.]

Less Formal Pieces

An index is available of  many of the topics and romance novels I have analysed on the Teach Me Tonight academic romance blog. I've also written a guest blog post about the development of Australian romance. Longer essays I've published on this website are: