Embroidery Book 1, 2022, Pages 10-11

By Laura Vivanco on

The magpie is based on K. J. Charles' logo. I was experimenting with gold thread so I couched some rather badly, not least because it took me a while to work out how to do it continuously so that I didn’t have to cut the thread and bring it back up again. The bird is mostly 2-strand split stitch, but I used one-strand around the eye, and for the eye and beak, as they needed more precision. This was on organza, and I was experimenting with it, too. I also had a layer of wadding/batting under the bird and circle.

The bear is black fleece, with a tiny embroidered eye, sewn onto a background of printed cotton trees. The bear is from the Pearson Scott Foresman collection at Wikipedia. The beehive is my first attempt at couching.
